As a non-traveler, I tend to take “glowing” travel stories with a large grain of salt. I obviously wish the lows hadn’t interrupted your experience, but I appreciate that you shared those alongside the highs. I felt really happy for your positive experience at the end and the oft-echoed compliment you received—and I don’t know you! Your love of new experiences and meeting people really shines through here. :)

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I always want to give an accurate portrayal of my travels! So that includes the highs, lows and everything in between. Those are very kind words thank you :)

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Jun 22Liked by Julia Edelman

Man, some good, some bad in this one. Loving the adventure of it all, though. Am in Italy myself but lowkey craving Barcelona at all times, you're heading the right way!

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Yes the adventure only gets crazier. Ah enjoy Italy! I would have stayed longer if I had more time

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Jun 21Liked by Julia Edelman

I am reading this from 35,395 feet with Oreo in my lap. We love your zest for life and adventure. We are all lucky to be able to share this journey with you.❤️🐕‍🦺

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What movie are you guys watching?! Something dog themed I hope.

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